Immersea at Luca

    Immersea (2020)

    This immersive experience is an audiovisual artwork impression of the sea. Colorful painted artwork elements are projected on the floor as you walk through the space. Analogue sound vibes slowly evolve in a mesmerizing minimal composition. As you create a visual and sonic symphony with the movement of your feet you are urged into a psychedelic dreamworld. And so you are immersed in this unique sea!

    The Installation tracks your movement and adapts the sound and visuals to where you are or have been. This work was a work developed during the pandemic with two other artists (Deogracias Kihalu and Tomas Vanderplaetse), completely over whatsapp, as we were not allowed to meet each other. It was ready for showtime when the lockdowns became less strict.

kaotec bv
Londenstraat 40
9000 Gent
VAT BE0784540750